
MoST Updates

Version 3.0.6001


  • Modified the Customer Relationship Database to allow columns to be labelled, ordered and enabled / disabled on a section by section basis creating greater flexibility and extensibility for creating different forms of similar types.
  • Modified the relationship management process so if the organisation's subscription type is set to subscribed members and the user clicks the create button they are taken to the new subscription form so they can create and pay for the new user.
  • Added in email reporting allowing the user to view metrics on any kind of bulk email such as opens, views, click throughs and bad email addresses. The click thoughs are split up into each respective URL and the number of clicks made on those URLs.
  • Removed the ability to enable multiple subscription types and in it's place added groupings so collections of subscription types can be grouped together allowing for more refinement in available options.
  • Added a new option under Event Management so unregistered users can be emailed adhoc without disturbing users who have already registered for the event.
  • Added a WYSIWYG editor to Event Management so a summary and details can be added against an event opposed to selected a document from the CMS.
  • Added a Notification Date setting to Event Management so a date can be specified for sending notifications for new events.  Previously this was automated based off the events display date.
  • Modernised the icons used in various areas, changed extension buttons to use icons that better represent their function, added some additional icons for documents to represent the document type and whether a document supports comments (blogging) and added new icons to represent startup sections.
  • Removed paging from Client Management Directories if the results are less than the number of items per page.
  • Added General Ledger mapping component to allow MoST line item codes to be mapped to general ledger codes in external accounting systems such as Xero.
  • Added Xero tracking options to the Xero interface so MoST line items can be matched to Xero tracking options.
  • Separated Xero interface schedule time from general schedules and added it's own schedule time so requests can be re-run without impacting on other general scheduled tasks.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a CSS issue where select fields that support multiple selections were being set with a fixed height of 25px.
  • Fixed an issue with the Client Management Directory where paging stopped working when using a custom search form.
MoST Content Management V3.0.8886