From this screen you can search and preview a clients CPD history (if CPD is selected in their Client profile).
The CPD component works in conjunction with the Events system
When an event is loaded from the admin area, CPD credits can be assigned to an event.
A user can also claim for external events through the website if this functionality has been set up
Once submitted, external events will require approval from an administrator before displaying on the clients CPD history.
Once a profile is located from this screen, you can view their CPD history by selecting the profile.
From the CPD Claims screen you can approve submitted Events. These show as pending until the status is manually changed.
Note, Pre-loaded events through the system where CPD credits are allocated, will be approved automatically. However attendees must be manually marked as having attended after the event for these to be credited to their profile.
Add to list tick box will add this event to the users claim screen on the front of the website.