
Product Management

Edit Forms - Checkout Fields

Edit Forms - Checkout Fields

Checkout Fields Screens

From this screen the form fields for the checkout process are managed.

From here you can add or amened checkout fields and descriptions. The description will display on the website.

To create a new column

  • select ‘New Column’ button
  • select the new column created at the bottom of the list
  • enter a column name
  • enter a description.The description is essential as it is what the user sees to identify the field in the form.
  • enter a value. Values need to be defined if your field is of multi-answer nature. If your field requires a checklist, drop down or radio button response, you will need to define each of these responses on a separate line in the values box. For example If your field is entitled “Hobbies” and your field type is a checklist, each response you have (i.e. gardening, sport, music, running, reading etc) will need to typed into the Values box, each one on a separate line.
  • Type - Type refers to the type of response the question will elicit. There are 12 types to choose from:
    • Heading - A heading in the form, not an actual response field
    • Label - a sub heading in the form, not a response field
    • Text - a single-line text box
    • Text Area - a large text box area (with scrollbar if required)
    • Number - a box for numeric characters
    • Date - a box for a date
    • Drop down list - a list containing the values in the value box that can be expanded down-wards (‘drop-down’). User can only select one value from the drop down list in their response
    • Radio button - every value in the values box will get given their own radio button. Users can only choose one value when they are listed with radio buttons. Suitable for Yes/No questions
    • Check box - every value in the values box will form a checklist. Users can select multiple values from the checklist.
    • Email - a box specifically for users to type a legitimate email address
    • Website - a box specifically for users to type a legitimate website address
    • File upload - gives users the options to upload a document when filling out the form
  • Usage - defines if this is editable on the website when displayed
  • Dimensions and Length - The ‘dimensions’ is the size the box will be that users type into when filling out the form. The screen shows width (first box) and height (second box). Dimensions are measured in PIXELS. The ‘length’ is how many characters the user can type into the box and how many lines will be available in the box. The screen shows characters (first box) and lines (second box) Not all types require you to define dimension and length. Some types will also allow you to enter one value and the system will apply the other as appropriate
  • Required. Check the Required box if you wish for that field to be a mandatory answer field for the user.

Changing field Order

The arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen will move fields up or down the order.

Deleting a Column

Columns that are used by the system or have already had data recorded cannot be deleted.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886