
Product Management

Add, Edit or Delete a Product

Please set up Product Categories before you add products to the database. Categories need to be set up before the products will show on your site. See the help section Product Management > Categories on instructions on how to set up your Product Categories.

To add a new product into the database, click on the New button in the bottom right corner of the database screen.

Please note - all information you enter into this screen dynamically displays in the pages on your website for users to browse, therefore you will need to ensure accurate and appropriate product descriptions etc.

When adding a new product into the database, each of the following fields will need to be defined.


Name Description Required
Code The code for the Product. Every product needs to be identifiable in the system by a code. Yes
Name The name of the product. Yes
Description Details description of what the product is. No
Supplier The name of the company that supplies / produces the product. No
Author  If the product is a book you can specify the name of the author. No
ISBN If the product is a book and has an ISBN number you can specify it here, No
Year Produced The year that the product was produced. 0 (zero) implies that that there is no year. No
Category One of more categories to list the product under.  Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple categories. My not selecting a category the product will not be displayed within the website. No
Image 1, 2 and 3 The image associated with the product, select 'Browse' or 'Choose File' to navigate to the required image on your computer. To preview an image select or tick the 'Remove' checkbox to remove the image when the product details are saved.

Images can be used as a thumbnail or full image. They can also be used in a product list. Please liaise with your site designer if you wish to use the image in a customised product list, or alternatively use one of the pre-set layouts available. Image sizes can be defined in the Product Settings dialog window. See the help under Product Management > Settings for more information.

Brochure  Allows for the product to have an associated document attached. These can be in PDF, Word document or Excel format. Select 'Browse' or 'Choose File' to navigate to the required document on your computer. No
Download If the product is downloadable content then you can upload it here.  The product will be made available to the purchaser on a successful credit card transaction. Select 'Browse' or 'Choose File' to navigate to the required document on your computer. No
Availability The countries that the product is available in.  Only people that reside in these selected countries can purchase the product.  If no countries are selected then it is assumed that anyone can purchase it. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple countries. No

There are several components to pricing.  Available, Recommended (RRP) and Freight Calculations.

Available is where you can define different pricing options for the product.  You can restrict price by quantity and define different prices based of consumer types such as re-sellers, members or general public as well as discount periods.

To add a price enter a description for the price, the price for the product and the maximum quantity that can be purchased at that price.  Quantities fall back to the next highest price when reached.  Be sure that there is always an unlimited price available to fall back to.  If a 0 (zero) is specified then it is assumed that there is no limit.  Select a data range that the price is available from and to if required otherwise leave blank.  Finally select the consumers that the price is available to.  Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple consumers.

Note: A price can only be added one the product has been saved.

Freight Calculation is used to determine how the product will calculate freight.  Either based from a per item basis, weight or N/A.  The Freight Value is a multiplier for calculating the cost of freight and is measured in units or weight depending on what freight calculation is selected.

Stock Levels

Stock Levels is essentially inventory control.  You can define the current stock level, the total number of items available for purchase and the maximum number of items that can be purchased per order.

Current Stock is an ever decreasing value, although it can be manually specified the quantity is also automatically decreased when the product is purchased. Total Stock allows the system to report on stock levels based of the current stock. 0 (zero) specified for Total Stock or Maximum Items per Sale implies that that there are no limits.


When done click the 'Save' button to save the product.

Editing a product is the same process as adding one with the exception that you don't click the new button from the details list.  Instead search for the product to be edited and when found click the properties button located to the left of the products code.  The product properties dialog window will then be displayed.

To delete a product find the product as described above then click the 'Delete' button.  You will then be prompted to confirm the deletion of the product, on clicking 'OK' the product is then deleted and the product properties dialog window is closed.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886