Here you can determine how the group can engage with the discussion topic and how the discussion topic will appear on your website.
What each field means:
Name: Name of the discussion administrator e.g. MoST admin
Email: The email address of the administrator.
Order: Determines the display order of the discussion, according to date.
File Uploads: The number selected here is the maximum amount of files that can be uploaded per response.
Display Details: The required that will appear next to a response.
Auto Approve Posts: Checking this checkbox will allow responses to display without the need for moderation. Left unchecked, posts will require approval before appearing in the discussion topic.
Multi-threaded: Checking this checkbox will show multiple threads to one discussion topic on the topic list page. Left unchecked, only the linked discussion topic will appear.
Allow New Topics: Checking this checkbox means that anyone with access to the discussion area of the website will be able to create a new discussion topic. Left unchecked, only MoST administrators with the appropriate permissions will be able to make changes.
Allow Topic Tracking: Checking this check box will give users the option to enter their email address to receive notifications when new responses are added to the discussion topic.
Allow Topic Expiry: Topics can have fixed expiration dates, determined by the MoST administrator. All discussions will be visible after the set expiry date; however, no further responses can be added.
Discussion State: Checking 'Active' will allow discussions to be followed and commented on, while 'Inactive' discussions cannot be followed or commented on. Inactive discussion topics can still be viewed on the discussion area of your website.
Note |
To test and enable the discussion forum on your website you will need to create a link on your website, leading to the ‘Discussion Group Topics’ URL which appears under the 'ACCESSORIES' heading in the link document dropdown menu. Ideally the first discussion topic will be created in the administration area of MoST. |