
Transaction System

Raise an Invoice

This screen will enable an administrator to generate an invoice immediately.

You can either search for a particular user or organisation or manually enter a person's details. If the data is entered manually, an invoice will be generated, but the user will not be able to login and pay the invoice online.

Search Where: This search option will locate a client in the database

When the client is located, click to select them and this will pre-populate the following fields if this information has been collected in the client database:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Organisation
  • Address
  • City
  • Postal code
  • Region
  • Country
  • Email (to have the invoice delivered to an alternative email address, add and populate a new database field named "Billing Email")

If the client's details need updating, this will need to be done first in the client management database. An exception to this is the email field, which can be changed incase the invoice needs to go to a different email address.

To add an item to the invoice


  • Code
  • Description
  • Price. Note the Transition System Settings define if this is a tax exclusive price.
  • More items can be added to the invoice by selecting the New Item option
  • Items can also be moved up and down the list by selecting the item then the appropriate arrow
  • Items can be deleted by selecting the item then selecting the delete button

Once ‘saved’ this will automatically send off an email to the recipient, if no email is specified, you will need to post it to them manually.

MoST Content Management V3.0.8886