

Edit Event List Page

Edit Event List Page

This page will display dynamically a list of the events loaded into the system, with the correct display date.

The events system can be set to display past events if required by choosing the achieve action, in the event settings screen.

The heading for the list can also be changed from event settings.

If  information is added in the abstract view of the event details page created for each event, this can also be set to display in the events list.

When setting up Event Management for the first time, these pages must be opened user instructions added,and saved to activate them. Then you can link to them for testing purposes. 

Note once registrations are accepted from the event details, then the registration link will automatically display under the event, provided Hide List Registration Links is not selected in  the event settings screen.

When setting this function up for the first time:

  • events are section specific
  • select or create a new section for the events
  • open this page
  • add a title and user instructions (You can add information above or below, but do not remove the [CONTENT] tag as this is where the form fields will display)
  • save the page
  • to test this page, create a link as you would normally and the page will appear under the accessories heading in the link drop down box
  • there must be events loaded correctly in the section under Accessories>Event mangement>Events details, for data to display in the list


MoST Content Management V3.0.8886