

From the ‘Events Details’ dialog window, you can create and manage your events. If you have not used the Event Management component before and you want to setup an event for the first time then feel free to contact us for support.

If you want to dedicate a full webpage to event details and include dynamic content (e.g. images, videos etc.) then you can create a document prior to setting event details and select it in the document field.

To create a new event in the Events Management System:

  1. Click the ‘Accessories’ menu item from the tool bar. A drop-down menu will appear.
  2. Hover over ‘Event Management’ and click ‘Event Details’ to open the dialog window (above image).
  3. If this is the first event to be set up then simply enter a title in the ‘Name’ field. If there are existing events already in the system, Select 'New' and enter the name of the new event in the ‘Event’ text field.
  4. Click ‘Apply’ to generate the new event.

To set event details:

  1. Select the event you want to set details for from the ‘Event’ field.
  2. Enter relevant details in the fields that appear under the SETTING heading of the dialog window. What each field means:

Name: (Required field) this is the event name that will appear on your website. It can be the same as the event you set up when creating the new event.

Preview: click the ‘Preview’ button adjacent to the ‘Name’ field to see what the event webpage will look like.

Code: (Required field) A ‘Code’ is a reference number used to identify the event in an invoice. If you do not have a code system then you can make a code up. These details won’t appear on your website.

Categories: ‘Categories’ is a target marketing feature that lets you select segments to send new event notifications and reminder emails to. Hold down ‘Ctrl’ keyboard button to select multiple. These details won’t appear on your website.

Display Date: (Required field) Select a start and end date in which the event will display on your website calendar. The event will not appear on your website if no display date is set. Extending the display date to a date that exceeds the event date will automatically generate a ‘Past Events’ list, whereby the event will display until the end display date has passed.

Event Date: (Required field) Select a start and end date for the actual event. These details will appear on your website.

Event Time: Select a start and end time for the event. You must select an ‘Event Date’ before you can select a time. These details will appear on your website.

Venue: (Optional field) Enter location details of where the event will be held. These details will appear on your website.

Area: (Optional field) This is an extension of the venue, where you can enter the location within the venue where the event will be held. These details will appear on your website.

Delivery Method: (Optional field) Enter the format that the event will be delivered in e.g. live, webinar, presentation, interactive etc. These details will appear on your website.

Target Audience: (Optional field) Here you can identify who the event is best suited for. These details will appear on your website.

Facilitator: (Optional field) Here you can identify who will be facilitate the event. These details will appear on your website.

Summary: (Optional field) ‘Summary’ is like an abstract of the event, where you can provide a brief description in a list of events. These details will appear on your website.

Details: (Optional field) Enter any other details about the event that you want people to see. This content will appear on your website, on the inside page of the event. To include dynamic details (i.e. images, videos, design) you will need to create a document and select it in the document dropdown field.

URL/Email: (Optional field) Enter a link to a contact email address or external website. If an email address is entered it will hyperlink to the Facilitator name, whereas if a website addressed is entered it will appear in details. This option is typically used when event details or registrations do not appear on your website.

Document: (Optional field) Content from selected document will appear in the ‘Details’ area on the event webpage. This option cannot be used at the same time as ‘URL/Email’ field.

Charges: (Required field) Click the icon to set up charges for an event. See Event Charges page for more information on how the event charges window works.

Accept Registrations: Selecting this checkbox will place registration links at the base of the event details. Please note that the ‘active’ checkbox must be selected for the registration link to appear.

Minimum Attendees: (Optional field) The event administrator can be notified if this number is not met.

Maximum Attendees: (Required field) This number can be increased while the event is active if required.

Send Registration Warning: (Required field) This setting will send the event administrator a notification email once maximum number of attendees is almost reached.

Allow Overbooking: (Optional field) This is a wait listing function that allows people to register to the event waitlist after the ‘Maximum Attendees’ number is met. Waitlisted people can be allocated to the event if a place becomes available.

If a place becomes available:

  • Delete the unwanted registrant
  • Remove the waiting tick from the new registrant
  • If there is a charge for the event then an invoice will be generated and sent to new registrant

Send Notification To: When a new event is loaded and active, a notification about the event can be sent. Select which group you’d like to send it to in order to activate.

Send Reminders To: Up to two reminders can be sent. Select which group you’d like to send it to in order to activate.

All Users - Everyone in the database (unless specified not to receive)

Subscribed Users Only - A subscribed user will have ‘subscribed to’ note in their database profile therefore have a subscription type.

Notification Date: (Optional field) Select a date to automatically send the notification on. This will send to the database group you selected previously.

1st Reminder Date: (Optional field) Select a date to automatically send the 1st reminder on. This will send to the database group you selected previously.

2nd Reminder Date: (Optional field) Select a date to automatically send the 1st reminder on. This will send to the database group you selected previously.

Attendee Reminder Date: (Optional field) Select a date to automatically send the 1st reminder on. This will send to everyone who has registered to event only.

Additional Registration Fields: (Optional field) Click the icon to add any additional fields to the registration form. See Additional Registration Fields page (link) for more information.

CPD Credits: (Optional field) Only applicable to those wanting to record Continuing Professional Development credits. Enter number of credits an attendee will receive from attending the event.

Conference: (Optional field) If this checkbox option is ticked then any event located within the section, that occurs during the conference can be added to the conference's event charges.

Test Mode: If this checkbox option is ticked then the event will not appear on your website.

Active: If this checkbox option is ticked then the event will appear on your website. This is required for all events that you want live.

New Button: Click to create a new event.

Copy Button: Click to create a copy of selected event (excluding registration information).

Move Button: Click to move an event from one event database section to another.

Delete Button: Click to delete an event. Deleted events can still be seen in the database if required.


Some optional fields are only relevant to larger events. If you are not ready for an event to appear in the live event list, un-check the ‘Active’ checkbox.

To create a link to a specific event directly, you will need to go through the website from the front (the live website), and then click on the event from the events list. This will generate the dynamic page with a unique event ID. From the browser address bar, copy from the end of your website address. Paste it into the URL input box in the link screen. Preview and test the link.


MoST Content Management V3.0.8886