You will need to create a charge for an event (even if it’s free) before someone can register for the event. You can setup multiple charges, including optional charges.
You can access the charges dialog window by clicking the icon in the ‘Event Details’ dialog window.
To setup charges:
Price: enter the price of the charge.
Seats: Enter the amount of seats the price covers. This is typically 1, unless the charge is for a table booking or is an optional extra.
Zero Rated: If the event is hosted overseas then tick the Zero Rated check box, otherwise leave it unchecked.
Optional: Select this tick box if charge is optional. Optional charges can be used for selling event related material such as a book or some other item. In this situation you can set the minimum and maximum quantities of items that can be purchased for a single registration and also set the number of available items where stock is limited.
Quantities: See ‘optional’ above.
Valid Date: If the charge is only available for a define period of time then select a start and finish date for the charge. This is generally used for early bird or late registrations. By not selecting a date range then charge will always be available.
Consumers: Select the group that the charge relates to e.g. general public, specific members only etc. Members will need to login before being able to select their member specific charge.
Note | Deleting Charges: Simply deselect all consumers and save the charge to delete. If the charge has already been used for a registration then it cannot be deleted. Conferences: If the event is a conference then a 'Related Events' list will appear and will list all other events that occur over the conference event's date range. Select any related events that are applicable to the charge. This is an ideal for setting various charges such as single day registration, full registration, or member only charges. |