From this screen instructions for the multi registration process can be added and your event administrators details. The name andemail address details will appear on any emails from the events system.
name: a name for whom system email correspondence is to originate from
email: the email address to receive attendee registration notifications
The three screens below allow you to add/ edit user instructions for the registration process.
Step one:
The information in this first panel appears above the registration form in step one of the registration process.
Here the user registering a group and can check their company profile details are correct and make any changes
Sample: Please check your details below. Note: you will not personally be registered for this event, unless you add your own profile to the attendees list in the next screen.
Step two
The second panel needs the instructions for locating and selecting required attendees. If it is a new attendee, the administrator will need to create a new profile is required.
Sample: Registered this person online previously? Please search for any previous attendees. Select them from results, and add to your list of attendees.
First time? Create a new profile for this individual, before adding to list of attendees.
Step three:
This screen confirms registration process has been successful .
sample: Please check these details are correct, enter an order number if one is required and next, to complete the registration process.
Select apply to retain these settings.
Note: |
Small graphics and links can be added into these screens, but must be inserted in a normal MoST editor page and cut and paste into the window. |