
Client Management

Import Client Profiles

Multiple profiles can be imported, or a complete database. If you are only adding a few profiles, it is probably easier to add them by clicking the new button at the base of the client details screen rather than using an import..

To import data to the database:

  • Firstly you should export some data from your database. Use this export as your template for the import to ensure that the column headings and formatting matches. 
  • Check your data is formatted correctly in excel. eg each piece of data is in its own cell and all column names match exactly what is in the client management database
  • Once you are happy with your data, save your data as a Excel Worksheet (xlsx). 
  • Once your file is saved, it is ready to be imported into the client management database, simply click import
  • Click chose file to locate your .xlsx file and click OK. You will receive an email notification of the data transferred and any errors that may have occurred (should be none, if data was formatted correctly)
  • Check the data by searching the database to see if you are happy with your import
  • Repeat if necessary

Overwriting existing data

If you are making updates in bulk and want to overwrite existing profiles' details, you can use the import function to make bulk updates.

You do need to be careful that you are not overwriting any data that may have been updated since your last export. For this reason it is best that you only import the columns that you have changed as well as the profile ID. The ID column is the unique identifier to indicate which profile you are updating. For example, if you have changed someone's organisation, all you would need to import is the ID column and the Organisation column, ensuring you are not importing any additional or empty columns.
MoST Content Management V3.0.8886