
Client Management

Update Details Fields

From this screen the administrator can:

  • Select the form fields that display on the update details form and select if the form is editable or read only
  • Add additional database fields
  • Change the field descriptions. The description is the visible label for the field.
    • This is section specific, so that the same database field can be renamed if required, in different sections
  • Delete created fields. However default fields or fields that are being used by the system, cannot be deleted
  • Change the order the fields display. The arrows will move items up or down the order

To add new fields

  1. Select  new column
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select the new column 
  3. Type in a name for the column - the column name will be used only for your identification
  4. Description - The description is what will display when this field is visible from the website
  5. Values - Applies if responses are required for item. For example yes/no on a radio button. You can also add default text in an input field if required
  6. Type - This refers to the type of form item 
    • Label - A heading for the form item
    • Text - A single line text input field
    • Text Area - A multi line text input field
    • Number - Only allows numeric data to be entered into the text area
    • Date - Puts a calendar field on the form
    • Drop down List - Creates a drop down list. Enter the options that can be selected from choices in the values box with a line break enter between each choice
    • Radio Buttons - Used when there is only one possible response. The radio button can be shown as selected on the form by placing 'yes' in the values box.
    • Check box - used for multiple choices. The check box can be shown as selected on the form by placing 'yes' in the values box.
    • Email - Used for the inputting of email addresses on the form. Checks that the syntax is valid for an email address. For example user has entered a @ in the address
    • Website - Used for collecting website URLs.
  7. Usage
    • Read - Will disable the field. The field will be greyed out and read only once form has been submitted. This item will then not be editable in the client's profile.
    • Write - Will make it an editable form item once form has been submitted. This item will then be editable in the client's profile.
  8. Dimensions - Measured in pixels. This determines the width and height on screen of the form item. Used for text and text areas only
  9. Length - Maximum length of characters the field will accept.
  10. Width - This setting defines the maximum amount of characters the field holds. This is measured in pixels. 
  11. Height - This defines the amount of lines a text area form field will accept.
  12. Required - This will put a star on the field to indicate it is compulsory. The system will not submit the form unless this field has an entry.
  13. Apply - This will permanently apply edits or changes
MoST Content Management V3.0.8886